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Rob (PHH)

Name Ingredients:

Capsaicin is the spicy compound found in chili peppers. In hair care, it's believed to promote hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp, thereby nourishing hair follicles. It may also reduce inflammation and stimulate nerve endings, potentially enhancing hair growth and thickness.

Key insights:

  • The in vitro data suggests capsaicin can influence perifollicular nerves in patients with alopecia areata (AA).
  • The clinical data suggests that while applying capsaicin cream to the bald scalp initially causes burning pain; it can improve vellus hair regrowth by day 21.
  • Another study compared topical capsaicin to clobetasol for the treatment of alopecia areata. Fifty patients with patchy AA were randomized into two groups using either clobetasol 0.05% daily for six weeks or capsaicin once daily for 2 weeks, then twice daily for the next four weeks. Capsaicin treatment led to significantly more vellus and non-cosmetic hair growth in the 4th, 6th, and 12th weeks than clobetasol.
  • In a meta-analysis conducted on a number of studies using topical capsaicin for chronic pain, researchers found that while capsaicin showed high efficacy, it was also associated with a higher number of side effects.
  • Our experience tracking members: capsaicin alone is not enough to improve hair outcomes.
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