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Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Rob (PHH)

Name Ingredients:

Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a type of probiotic bacteria naturally found in the intestines. It is commonly used as a supplement for its beneficial effects on gut health, which may also have positive effects on hair health. 

Key insights:

  • The in vitro evidence suggests that L.rhamnosus can boost gut health by improving the function of the epithelial barrier and inhibiting pathogens. Furthermore, it can increase the production of short-chain fatty acids, which can promote keratinocyte metabolism and exhibit anti-inflammatory effects.
  • There do not appear to be any in vivo or clinical studies supporting the use of L.rhamnosus on hair health.
  • Our experience tracking members: L.rhamnosus alone is not enough to improve hair loss outcomes.
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