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  1. Just got my Full thyroid panel. Hoping I can get some assistants on this. @Pedro if you have a minute.


    1. Pedro


      Hey @Zachchelland!

      Everything checks out man. Your thyroid markers are really perfect and even tiny considerations like T3 uptake and reverse T3 were perfect. The TSH levels were also more or less okay and not something to be concerned about. Suggesting that thyroid disorders can be ruled out if this was a concern before.

    2. Zachchelland


      Hey! Thank you so much! Sounds good, i was just doing the oral thermometer and had low and mid and highs is it just more or less normal to fluctuate between a normal temp of 98.6? @Pedro. Thanks man.

      Im really trying to solve this all out i dont want to be bald I was 14 when this happen.

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