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Status Replies posted by Zachchelland

  1. I just got my Iron panel test. One step closer.

    Staying progressive is progess.

    1. Zachchelland


      I have slight high iron.

  2. I give up 

    1. Zachchelland


      I promise I won’t, but I just liked speaking it out feels good.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Dear 

    how r you 

    may I ask you how was your regime ? 
    Any updates in your progress? 

    1. Zachchelland


      My best progress was slowing or possibly stopping my hair loss. I haven’t seen a huge difference from my starting point till now only thicker hair possibly.

      Im not great at my posts and im not great with persistence on my regimen since 2023 I’ve only been persistent with using dutasteride.

  4. Just got my Full thyroid panel. Hoping I can get some assistants on this. @Pedro if you have a minute.


    1. Zachchelland


      Hey! Thank you so much! Sounds good, i was just doing the oral thermometer and had low and mid and highs is it just more or less normal to fluctuate between a normal temp of 98.6? @Pedro. Thanks man.

      Im really trying to solve this all out i dont want to be bald I was 14 when this happen.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. I notice my feet have a orange colour actually ive began to recall that thats been something ive had growing up but not always. I do get brain fog to which leads to me questioning,

    Nutrient Surplus? 16466297320471459431237333383892.jpg

    1. Zachchelland


      Hey @Pedro, let me know what you think of the photo. My hands dont look like that by the way. And actually I notice my fingure nails have ridges, ive wondered what that meant? 

      My feet and hands get cold but mostly my feet. But never everyday.

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